Dean Koontz

Listening to audio books has given me an opportunity to revisit favorite authors. Dean Koontz has been writing suspense novels since the seventies and as a longtime fan, I find some of his earlier works can be quite frightful. A good way to get to know Dean Koontz's current works is through his Odd Thomas series, published from 2005 to 2015. Although Dean Koontz's writing style can be overly descriptive, I find this entertaining when tuning in to his stories.

While perusing the audio books section at the Duxbury Free Library I came across a 2004 novel entitled Life Expectancy. On his deathbed, the grandfather of the protagonist, Jimmy Tock, revealed five dates over his grandson's lifetime that would be metamorphic. I was pleasantly surprised when I found myself laughing out loud as I listened to the story unfold. The banter between the main characters never got old. There are twists and turns as these days take place and how Jimmy and his family handle them.

Another very good audio read is a Dean Koontz novel By the Light of the Moon. This story thrusts together two brothers, one autistic, and the elder a somewhat morose artist together with a quirky female comedian who have all been injected with a unknown serum. They are on a quest to stop the madman who infected them. Throughout the story each the main characters discover unique powers caused by this drug. Many unexpected circumstances make this a great listen.

Finally, I am excited that Dean Koontz has just released the first book in a new series starring Jane Hawk, entitled The Silent Corner.  I have read the book and listened to the audio book. I find narrator Elisabeth Rodgers enjoyable story teller although she starts out somewhat tentatively. Give it a try.

Turn up the volume for a great adventure!  Mary Beth


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